Complementary and Alternative Health Care Practice Guideline

Consultation Type:
Closed with Summary

Consultation Overview

This is a new practice guideline on Complementary and Alternative Health Care (CAHC) replacing the legacy Colleges documents and now applies to all nurses. We requested feedback from nurses, managers, employers and members of the public to ensure we had developed a relevant and useful practice guideline that will support nurses to provide safe, competent, compassionate and ethical nursing services.

Consultation Participation and Response 

We requested feedback using an online survey and received responses from 3 nurses, with 2 of those nurses completing the entire survey. Two respondents had outstanding questions regarding their professional accountability related to CAHC but did not provide further clarification. The 2 respondents who completed the survey felt they had the same or more knowledge on CAHC.

Impact on the Project

Thank you for providing your feedback on the Complementary and Alternative Health Care Practice Guideline. Below explains how we incorporated this feedback into the guideline.

No suggestions or recommendations were provided by respondents on changes that could be made to the document.

There was a question asking if a guideline would be developed specific to nurse practitioners. As indicated in the disclaimer at the beginning of the document, the guideline applies to all nurses including nurse practitioners. No changes were made to the document.

Next Steps/Conclusion

This practice support tool is now complete and can be found on our website under Complementary and Alternative Health Care

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