Consultation Overview
This is a revised practice guideline replacing the singular legacy Colleges documents. We requested feedback from nurses to ensure we developed a relevant and useful practice guideline that will support nurses to provide safe, competent, compassionate and ethical nursing services.
Consultation Participation and Response
We requested feedback using an online survey and received responses from 12 nurses with 4 respondents having feedback and outstanding questions around their professional accountability related to Social Media after reviewing the guideline.
Impact on the Project
Thank you for providing your feedback on the Social Media Practice Guideline. Below explains how we incorporated this feedback into the guideline.
Feedback was received to include nursing students. NSCN does not regulate nursing students and therefore we are unable to include information specific to students in this guideline. Student nurses are accountable for their own actions, to their educational institution and to themselves.
Some nurses wanted very specific information about their practice context. Not all situations can be covered in a practice guideline but we encourage you to contact an NSCN Practice Consultant for further guidance if required at