The Nova Scotia College of Nursing (NSCN) extends a big thank you to the more than 1,700 nurse registrants who took the time to complete the Building Culturally Responsive Care for Nova Scotians survey.
The survey, open during the licence renewal period which ended October 31, is designed to help NSCN learn more about the diversity of the profession and establish baseline data. The responses are also expected to give NSCN a better understanding of the appropriate and relevant next steps we can take to ensure nurses are able to provide more culturally responsive care.
“We are committed to taking real, purposeful steps in enhancing equity, diversity and inclusion,” says NSCN CEO & Registrar Sue Smith. “This survey is a fundamental step in learning more about you – our nurse registrants – and your perspectives in providing safe, culturally responsive care for Nova Scotians.
“A sincere thank you to all who took the time to consider the questions and complete the survey.”
A local third party experienced in conducting equity evaluation work in Nova Scotia has begun to review and analyze the responses, identifying points of interest for a written report. Our goal is to report findings fully to you in early 2024.
In launching the survey, NSCN invited more than 16,000 LPNs, RNs and NPs in Nova Scotia to self-identify and participate in the effort to serve the public better. A total of 1,730 registrants completed the survey. This number of respondents is significant enough to allow NSCN to generate learnings needed to guide next steps.
If you want to learn more about the survey, please visit our website here, view our FAQ resource, or watch a video from our CEO & Registrar, Sue Smith, as she speaks about why the survey is important to the nursing profession in our province.