What is a Key Performance Indicator?
A key performance indicator (KPI) is a type of performance measure used to evaluate the success of the organization. KPIs can be high-level and look at the overall performance of an organization, or they can be narrowed down into particular activities or objectives.
KPIs provide NSCN with a way to measure our success and our progress towards achieving our goals and/or initiatives and ultimately our purpose of delivering excellence. NSCN has nine KPIs that help us deliver on our three strategic objectives of transparent, effective and accountable regulation. As you will see below, each indicator has a purpose outlining the reason for the measure and the corresponding target that we aim to achieve. These KPIs are reported quarterly on our KPI Dashboard and reflect the current status of each indicator to the target we strive to achieve; green if we meet the target, yellow if we are slightly off our target, or red if we are significantly off our target. The KPI status may change from quarter to quarter. As NSCN continues to evolve as an organization, our key performance indicators may also change as NSCN continues to grow and uphold our mandate of protecting the public.