Have a question about the Continuing Competence Program (CCP)? These questions reflect the most popular inquiries received from nurses over the past several years. For general information about the Continuing Competence Program, please click here.
General Program Questions and Answers
Continuing competence programs are considered best practice, and they are not new or unique to nursing. Most regulated health professions in Canada have a competence program.
As self-regulated professionals, nurses are accountable to maintain their competence throughout their nursing career to ensure they are prepared to provide safe and competent nursing services. A competence program is one regulatory mechanism to capture this work.
The Nursing Act (2019) requires NSCN to have a competence program and requires nurses in Nova Scotia to participate in the program. Participation in CCP became an annual licensure requirement for RNs and NPs in 2002 and the verification process began in 2017. LPNs were first required to participate in CCP in 2010 and the first audit or verification process was conducted in 2012.
If you do not participate, you will qualify for a one time, time-limited licence for up to three months to give you time to complete the CCP requirements. This licence cannot be renewed or extended.
If you do not complete the CCP requirements before the licence expires, you will not be authorized to practise nursing and cannot work as a nurse in Nova Scotia
Yes. However, there is no need to repeat the work you have already completed. Reach out to us at ccp@nscn.ca to discuss your options. You may be able to use all or parts of your existing work. If you have to complete additional work, you will need to indicate on your renewal or application form that you have done so.
Declaration of Compliance Questions and Answers
The Declaration of Compliance is a four-question survey, which indicates that you are in compliance with the CCP expectations.
A link to the declaration of compliance survey will be sent to those nurses who are randomly selected in February. You will be required to fill out the survey and submit your response. This will fulfill your requirement to participate in this part of the audit.
Professional Growth Plan Questions and Answers
This is a process to determine your areas of strength and identify any learning needs through self-assessment. In our evolving health care system, nurses must continually enhance and expand their knowledge and skills to maintain the level of competence required for their role.
No. Your self-assessment is confidential and should not be submitted with your professional growth plan.
Professional Growth Plans help individuals reflect on their practice and assess their knowledge needs against their standards of practice. Knowledge is a critical component of competence and learning plans are considered best practice as a way to develop meaningful strategies to address gaps or increase your knowledge base.
Professional Growth Plans have been a part of the CCP programs since they first began at the legacy Colleges, in 2002 and 2010 respectively.
Yes. Each year, all nurses are required to develop a professional growth plan in order to meet the program requirement.
Development of your PGP can now be done in the NSCN portal. This is the same portal you are familiar with using annually to renew your licence.
- Login to your portal using the same username and password.
- Once logged in to the registrant portal, view the left-hand column and select ‘My Learning’ to begin the process of developing your PGP.
Step-by-step instructions for completing each section of the PGP can be found in the CCP Guide for Nurses.
No, you do not need to complete 2 PGPs if you hold a licence for 2 designations. You are only required to complete one PGP. In that PGP you can reflect on any of the standards in which you hold a licence. You could choose a standard from one designation (i.e. LPN) for learning goal 1 and a different designation standard for learning goal 2 (i.e. RN).
Yes. You are required to develop a plan every year you hold a licence.
Professional growth activities must correspond with the licensing year’s audit. If they do not, the professional growth plan will not meet the CCP requirements.
Starting this year, you will submit your PGP directly through the NSCN portal.
You will be notified by email in February. You will also receive instructions on how to submit your PGP and access to resources to support you.
NSCN will review your PGP against a scoring rubric to determine if there is enough information to verify compliance with the CCP.
You will be notified of the outcome and whether you:
- Meet verification criteria
- Are required to submit more information or;
- Are required to resubmit a professional growth plan
Yes. Your completion of approved nursing education (BScN or MN programs only) can be used to satisfy your professional growth plan requirement. Education other than BScN or MN education can be used to inform your professional growth plan, as long as it is specific to nursing and your standards of practice. You will still be required to complete a professional growth plan and can use that education as one of your learning activities.
No. Do not send certificates with your professional growth plan unless we request these documents. Keep them in your personal files at home.
Participation Questions and Answers
You will need to reflect on your past nursing practice and your anticipated learning needs for the future. When we reinstate your licence, you will begin participation in CCP. You will be expected to have your CCP documents completed by the next registration renewal date.
Yes. Please reach out to us at ccp@nscn.ca for support and guidance as you begin to develop your professional growth plan.
If you hold a licence to practise nursing, you can return to practice at any time. We need to know you have remained current in your knowledge if you are eligible to return to practice.
You can stay engaged in practice by reading nursing journals, completing online learning courses or participating in other continuing education opportunities.
Yes. When you get your initial licensure as a nurse, you will begin participating in CCP. You will be expected to have your CCP documents completed by the next registration renewal date.
New licence holders are exempt from the audit of the year they received their licence. Please reach out to us at ccp@nscn.ca to review your unique situation.
Yes. Every nurse is required to participate in CCP if they hold a licence to practise nursing, regardless of employment status or the number of hours worked each year.
These situations are assessed on an individual basis. Please reach out to us at ccp@nscn.ca to discuss your unique situation.
Have a Question?
If you cannot find the answer to your question, please reach out to us at ccp@nscn.ca.