Immunization: What are my accountabilities when administering vaccines?

Q: What are my accountabilities when administering vaccines? 

A: Nurses must have the required competencies (knowledge, skills and judgment) to administer vaccines and manage adverse reactions. Vaccines may be administered in a variety of practice settings, including primary care offices, health centres, pharmacies, and clinics. You are expected to meet your Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics in all practice settings when providing immunizations.

Consider the following when administering vaccines:

  • Additional education is required to attain and maintain competency to administer vaccines.
  • Competencies can be obtained through additional education by a private trainer, facility or employer.
  • Vaccine administration must be within your scope of employment.
  • An authorizing mechanism such as a direct order, prescription or care directive from an authorized prescriber, or a provincial or employer protocol is required to administer a vaccine and to administer a medication for an adverse event.
  • follow employer policies and processes as well as any risk mitigation plans to manage potential adverse events. 
  • Consult  and collaborate with the authorized prescriber or other health care provider when necessary.
  • Use evidence-informed practices when educating clients or the public about vaccines, understanding the difference between your personal beliefs and the evidence supporting their effectiveness.
  • Contact the respective liability providers to discuss requirements for your practice setting:

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